Why use a Buyers Advocate?

Crystal Linter
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    Using an Advocate for many is viewed as a luxury service. You don’t actually need to employ a real estate agent to sell your home either, but the outcome will likely be a much better one by employing a professional to handle the process for you. In the US 89% of buyers use an Advocate to assist them in purchasing a property and in Australia Buyers Advocacy is one of the fastest growing professions as Aussies are fast realizing the immense advantage having someone solely dedicated to your best interest when buying property has. Here are three of the ways we help you!


    Access: An advocate will open the market up for you. Did you know around 20% of all property transactions in Australia occur off market. In fact, many of the most elite suburbs in Melbourne transact largely off market. An advocate will be able to paint the whole picture of an area for you and show what available and alert you to what is upcoming in the area and gaining you early access. We can also find homes through avenues that allow us to deal directly with a vendor.


    Time: There is no doubt that searching for a property is a time-consuming task. Buyers often come to us exhausted from looking at everything they deem as suitable only to be disappointed that the property sells well above the quote or there were some hidden nasties at the property. An advocate helps streamline this process, we do the research, can ensure your looking at the right types of property and only get you to come and inspect when we think we have found you a front runner.


    Skill: The average Australian buys property every 9 years. Meaning most buyers are negotiating against a more astute negotiator when they are buying from an agent by themselves. The agent is often more astute in the current market climate, the legal obligations of transacting property and the weight of terms in the negotiation process. An advocate is skilled negotiator with access to a variety of tools to ensure you are buying the right property at the right price and not missing something you will regret down the line.

    We’re committed to creating the best value in property, seeing families succeed and find their dream houses. See our related guides and resources.


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    Our business is built largely on a referral basis and we strive to make an impact in our community. We are open to collaborating with other professionals on media, community and charity events. Please email info@peritumproperty.com.au.